founded in 1970, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd
a specialized manufacturer of high-power medium speed diesel engines
Zichai Power Co.,Ltd, founded in 1970, is awholly-owned subsidiary of China National Agricultural Development Group Co.,Ltd., a specialized manufacturer of high-power medium speed diesel engines,Shandong High-tech Enterprise, Central Enterprise Advanced Group, undertakingunit of national coal mine wind lack heat countercurrent oxidation treatment“863” project and “Torch” plan project, and new energy development keylaboratory backing unit of Ministry of Agriculture, with provincial enterprisetechnology center and comprehensive strength ranking top 500 MechanicalEnterprises. Headquartered in Zibo, Shandong, it owns four manufacturing basesincluding three subsidiaries of Qingdao Zichai Boyang Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.,Nantong Zichai Marine Machinery Co., Ltd. and Zibo Zichai New Energy Co., Ltd.and the headquarters, over 2,000 employees, a total asset of RMB 1.05 billionand business income of RMB 1.5 billion.
Our main business is the manufacture andsales of Z170, 210, L250, 300, N330, 16V170 and 9340 series 150~4410kW marineand land diesel engines, gas engines, dual fuel machines and generator sets,and we also involve in new energy development, popularization and utilization,complete technical design and construction of power stations, and manufactureand sales of wind lack heat countercurrent oxidation devices. We have annualproduction capacity of 3.5 million kW diesel engines. All our products werecertified to ISO9001 Quality Management System, and multiple products wererated as “National Grade New Products” and “Industry Brand Products” andawarded with “National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology”. Wind lackheat countercurrent oxidation device is national “863” project and “Torch” planproject of Ministry of Science and Technology, and “Zichai” trademark isShandong famous trademark. Now “Zichai” diesel engines are widely used for deepsea fishery, inshore fishing ships, ocean shipping, inland water navigation,passenger cargo ship transport, harbor tug, engineering ships, enforcementships, naval auxiliaries, marine generator sets, land generator sets, powerstations, station units, etc. New products developed in recent years includinggas engines, gas engine generator sets and wind lack oxidation devices haveentered new energy and “Three Rural” field, such as agricultural straw marshgas power generation, and eco-friendly and energy field focusing on combustibleexhaust gas resource utilization, such as recycling and power generation ofcoal-mine gas. Our customers spread 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regionsacross the country, as well as dozens of countries and regions in Europe,Africa, South America, Southeast Asia and West Asia.
Innovation leads development, revolutionachieves future. During the “Twelfth Five-year Plan”, Zibo Diesel Engine HeadOffice will seize the historic opportunity of vigorously developing equipmentmanufacturing industry, ship industry and environmental protection industry,base on internal combustion engine industry with international vision and carryout “intensified” development strategy. We are willing to cooperate withrelevant famous enterprises and far-sighted, strong-willed and talented peopleat home and abroad to build a manufacturing base of medium and high speeddiesel engines and key parts and an innovation base of new energy equipmentmanufacturing and technology development and strengthen strategic newindustries, such as modern equipment manufacturing and new energy.
Office Address: No.118. Yumin Road, ZiboHigh-tech Development Zone, Zibo City, Shandong Province,China